Waste Transfer Station

Waste Transfer Station

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A waste transfer station is where trucks dispose of garbage. Red Hook has the third highest concentration of waste transfer stations in New York City after Greenpoint-Williamsburg and the South Bronx. The people in the neighborhood have to deal with the horrible odors, illegal dumpings, and air pollution from the waste transfer stations. We spoke to the Community Board about the high concentration of waste transfer stations in Red Hook and they said that waste transfer stations are important in Red Hook because they provide people in the neighborhood jobs. People in the neighborhood would probably choose a job over cleaner air, but they might not know how much the pollution is actually affecting their health.

See what Community Board 6 has to say about the dangers of waste transfer stations and other forms of pollution in Red Hook: http://www.brooklyncb6.org/neighborhoods/?a=detail&content_id=60

See what the Planners Network thinks about the problem of waste management in New York City: http://www.plannersnetwork.org/publications/1998_128/McCrory.htm


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Trucks by the waste transfer station

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