The Horticultural Society of New York

148 West 37th Street
Floor 13
New York
NY 10018

The Horticultural Society of New York

Viktig organisation/byråKulturintressant plats MiljövårdsundervisningLivlig platsBibliotekFrivilliginsatsSociala tjänsterAnsvarstagande företag


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The Horticultural Society of New York (The Hort) enhances New York City’s environmental and cultural life by providing unique educational, vocational and therapeutic outreach programs, library resources and exhibitions. The Hort is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and relies on the generous support of individuals to continue providing our unique services to all New Yorkers.

Founded in 1900 and incorporated in 1902, The Hort has evolved into a multidisciplinary cultural and social service resource for the people of New York. The Hort is at the forefront of New York City’s and the nation’s growing focus on environmental concerns, green technology and urban agriculture; our interconnected programs promote the art and science of horticulture, and its vital role in contemporary life, to diverse communities across the five boroughs.

The Hort's programs use horticulture to provide job training, science and literacy learning, and mental and emotional healing to men and women who are incarcerated on Rikers Island and after they reenter society; to adults with special needs, to families and children in underserved neighborhoods; to at-risk youth; and to the people served by our partner social service and health organizations.

The Hort installs and sustains learning gardens in spaces surrounding branch public libraries, and provides hands-on science and literacy education programs in public schools and in green spaces. The Hort’s 12,000-volume research library is accessible and free to the public. Our Exhibitions Program presents bold exhibitions of contemporary artists who utilize the natural world. At our innovative multi-use space on West 37th Street and at other sites around the City we provide engaging public programs and individual horticultural services to NYC’s urban gardeners and botanical enthusiasts.



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