Montclair Community Pre-K

49 Orange Road
NJ 07042

Montclair Community Pre-K

SkolaMångfaldBarnvänlig plats


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Founded in 1998, the Montclair Community Pre-K is a private, non-profit public program which provides four-year-olds an early childhood education. Tuition assistance is based on a sliding-scale which assures no child will be denied an education. Fully accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) for its entire existence, the Montclair Pre-K is also one of only 21 programs recognized as a Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) for its support of families as well as children. The school is an exemplary leader according to the State of New Jersey Departments of Education and Human Services and provides a mentor program for the Strengthening Families Initiative.
The facility contains 12 classrooms specifically designed for young children and a large backyard park with playground and interactive gardens. Located in the heart of Montclair, walking trips are often taken to the Montclair Art Museum, the Public Library and other town treasures.

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