Inwood Greenmarket

Ishamn St & Seaman St
New York

Inwood Greenmarket

Lokal eller Bondens marknad/Gårdsaffär Ekologiskt jordbruk/permakulturEkologisk/lokal matKomposteringÅteranvändingÅtervinning


Peppers & Tomatoes - Upper Manhattan
Ingen har röstat än

Open Saturdays, year-round
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

EBT/Food Stamps, Debit/Credit, and WIC & FMNP checks accepted.
Textiles Recycling, Food Scrap Compost Drop-off, Rechargeable Battery & Mobile Phone Recycling

Health Bucks now available - for every $5 spent in EBT, customers receive a
$2 Health Buck coupon to purchase additional fruits and vegetables.

Located at Manhattan's northern-most point, at the foot of Inwood Hill Park, one the city's biggest and most beautiful parks, this market is a year-round neighborhood favorite. People of all ages, backgrounds, and tastes gather each Saturday to meet and greet their friends and neighbors and do their weekly shopping. Even on the coldest, darkest winter Saturdays, loyal Inwood shoppers come out because they know they can't get products like this anywhere else. A core group of 15 farmers attend every week of the year, and during the peak of the season, five more join to round out the offerings with the summer's bounty.


Shop local at the Greenmarket to keep NYC and its bioregion green. By shopping here, you will also be eating seasonally and reducing the impacts of transporting produce to your table. You will be supporting small family farmers as you experience the season's change and enjoy the scent of herbs and locally-grown flowers, too!

Greenmarkets provide farmers in the region with a chance to sell their produce directly to you, so it's fresher and more vitamin-rich. Every item has a clearly marked price (and there are end-of-the-day bargains, too). Produce that is organically grown or bio-dynamically raised is noted. Each Greenmarket is a great place to meet the people who grow your food – they are wonderful community gathering points, too.

Check the manager's table for information. Some locations accept drop offs of recyclable textiles or food scraps for composting. Others have cooking demonstrations, tastings, and other events. A few even sell produce grown inside NYC in a city farm, a new trend with many eco-benefits for the community!

To view a complete list of NYC Greenmarkets and their schedules, please visit the Grow NYC's webpage at:



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Peppers & Tomatoes - Upper Manhattan

image tillagd av NYC Green Apple Map


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