Whole Foods Market

7350 Orchard Lake Rd
West Bloomfield
MI 48322-3621

Whole Foods Market

EkoprodukterEkologisk/lokal mat


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Our history and reputation are intimately linked to our support of local farmers. For more than 25 years, we have worked to provide you with the broadest possible selection of the highest quality produce available. Our search for that produce begins right outside our front door in every community where we do business. We are permanently committed to buying from local producers whose fruits and vegetables meet our high quality standards, particularly those who farm organically and are themselves dedicated to environmentally friendly, sustainable agriculture. We are greatly increasing our efforts in this regard by further empowering our individual store and regional buyers to seek out locally grown produce.
Local produce is by definition seasonal. In spring in California, that means artichokes; summer in Michigan means blueberries and autumn in Washington means apples. We value this natural diversity, and each of our 11 regions has its own firm guidelines for using the term "local" in our stores. While only products that have traveled less than a day (7 or fewer hours by car or truck) can even be considered for "local" designation, most stores have established even shorter maximum distances. Ask a team member for your store's definition of "local." Supporting local farm production puts a "face" behind the foods we consume and keeps us connected to the seasons, as well as the unique flavor and diversity of local crops. Local Means Green.
Buying produce from local growers reduces the environmental impact and costs of transporting product.
Small local farms are a valuable component of a community's character, helping maintain agricultural heritage, Crop Diversity and Quality,preserve land use diversity, and moderate development.
Many farmers producing for a local market choose to diversify, growing a variety of crops instead of just one. This is a boon for biodiversity and your palate, since local crops are harvested at their peak of freshness and flavor. Local Means Green — Again
Minimizing handling and transportation costs gives farmers maximum return on their investment. And most of the money spent on local production stays in the community, "greening up" the local economy.
Local Vendors By Region

(248) 538-4600


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