Project SHARE

5 North Orange Street
Suite 4
PA 17013

Project SHARE

Matbank/food bankSociala tjänster


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Project S.H.A.R.E., formed in January 1985, is an interfaith, non-profit cooperative effort created to meet the needs of the hungry by providing supplementary food on a monthly basis. Project S.H.A.R.E. is a ministry of the Carlisle Area Religious Council and supported by over 50 local congregations and civic groups. Assistance is provided to the communities of Carlisle, Carlisle Springs, Mt. Holly Springs, Boiling Springs, Gardners, Plainfield and Middlesex, New Kingstown, Pennsylvania.

We are located in a 10,000 sq. ft. handicapped accessible facility with a 10 year no cost lease from Dickinson College. Project S.H.A.R.E is located at 5 North Orange Street, Suite 4, Carlisle, PA 17013. The facility offers room for a training kitchen, free clothing room, and walk-in cooler / freezer for perishable donations.

Project S.H.A.R.E. distributes food boxes in the third week of each month. Each food box contains 45 nutritious food items, approximately one week's groceries for a family of four. Fifteen teams of volunteers deliver food to some 95 housebound households. All families are screened once a year to insure financial eligibility and need. Other volunteers are available to talk to those who are having difficulties including budget problems, referring them to other agencies whenever appropriate. We now have cooking classes for kids of recipient families. A volunteer nurse is also available to those coming for food whom may have health or dietary questions, or concerns, about their children. Eligibility is approximately 150% of the poverty level. Over 850 families (2,700 people) come each month for food, approximately 10% are seniors and 40% are children.

Project S.H.A.R.E. The Farm Project is in its 14th year of operation. Over 25 local farms & farm markets allow us to glean in their fields or pick up items they can not use or sell. Project S.H.A.R.E. volunteers and food bank recipients work together to pick lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, kale, green beans, corn, squash, watermelon, cantaloupe, broccoli, pumpkins, etc. The work is hard, but the rewards are many; all the food is FREE for our labor.

Project S.H.A.R.E. is supported by the generous donations of local individuals, churches and civic organizations who contribute in the form of food and funds. We receive regular donations from local businesses including Allen Distribution, Shaffer Trucking, Reckitt-Benckiser, Giant Foods, Weis Markets, Nell's, The Farmers' Market, the Old Pomfret Street Market, Wegman's, Oak Grove Farm Market, and the Shippensburg Produce Auction. Recipients are encouraged to take an active volunteer role in the work at the Food Bank and on the farms. Their help is critical to the overall ministry of Project S.H.A.R.E. In addition, there are six full time and three part time staff members in conjunction with a dedicated group of over 1300 volunteers throughout the year.

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