Village of Gates Mills Stormwater Retrofit Demonstration

1470 Chagrin River Road
Gates Mills
OH 44040

Village of Gates Mills Stormwater Retrofit Demonstration

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Project Number #10SWIF-CUY-067
Est. Project Completion December, 2010
SubGrantee Village of Gates Mills 1470 Chagrin River Road Gates Mills, Ohio 44040
Project Contact: Dave Biggert, Service Director Village of Gates Mills
Amount Requested: $87,525
Project Title: Village of Gates Mills Stormwater Retrofit Demonstration
Project Location: Village of Gates Mills, Cuyahoga County
Watershed: Chagrin
Project Summary: $85,525 in Surface Water Improvement Fund (SWIF) grant funding is recommended to install a community scale rain garden and bio-filtration islands within the Gates Mills Village Hall and Service Yard. Additionally, the village will re-direct existing roofwater runoff through the rain garden and more than 100,000 square yards of drainage from the service yard will be directed to the bio-filtration islands. The village will use these practices to demonstrate and promote these forms of stormwater management to area developers and residents throughout the village. The project will be supported by education and outreach activities such as a workshop conducted by the village engineer on how to install rain gardens on private residences, articles within the villages community newsletter and project specific signage that will be installed on the project sites. This project is being implemented consistent with the recommendations in the state endorsed Chagrin River Watershed Action Plan. It is also generally consistent with findings and recommendations within the Chagrin River Total Maximum Daily Load study completed by Ohio EPA and approved by US EPA. Project Deliverables: Installation of 1,000 square feet of community rain garden immediately adjacent to the Gates Mills Village Hall. All roof water flowing from the village hall will be directed to the rain garden for filtering. Installation of 3,500 square feet of bio-filtration island(s) in the Gates Mills service yard on the Village Hall complex. More than 100,000 square feet of stormwater surface runoff will be directed to the bio-filtration island(s) rather than existing storm sewers for filtration. The island(s) will be installed without an under-drain and thus operate much like a sand filter to passively treat stormwater.

Conduct education and outreach activities including the development and installation of 2 project specific signs, distribution of 1 project-specific press release, creation of a project-specific fact sheet, 1 newletter articles and 1 workshop entitled ―How to Install a Rain Garden. One presentation will also be made to the Board of the Chagrin River Watershed Partners.

Environmental Results: Successful completion of this project will passively treat more than 100,000 square feet of stormwater drainage and demonstrate alternative methods of stormwater management for area developers and homeowners

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