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Since 2008, Citibank and the Society of Wilderness (SOW) have collaboratively restored and built Wugu Wetland as an iconic riverside habitat in Greater Taipei area. As most environmental issues are rooted in human erroneous behaviors and mindset, only spontaneous and inspiring education could bring about a radical change to the existing state. Environmental education needs starting from grass-roots and early age, and the momentum of conservation critically relies on deep going efforts of local communities. In order to address the issue, SOW brings up a 5-year program ‘Green Walks on Damsui River Left Bank‘ together with the successful experience of Wugu Wetland conservation to make more people aware, understand and then care for the environment, to connect local people with the land and reinforce sense of attachment to the land. The program also strives to raise local awareness and attention to the ecology issues, in order to better protect Damsui River ecological system and reach the ultimate goal – environment sustainability.
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