Tremorfa Food Co-op

Tremorfa Hall
Tweedsmuir Road

Tremorfa Food Co-op

유기농/지역 생산식품공정 거래사회연계사업 *사회기업


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A food co-op is a simple system through which customers access fresh fruit, salad and vegetables on a weekly basis at wholesale prices. Local produce is accessed as much as possible, quality and price permitting. Some farmers supply direct through food co-ops. The co-ops provide “bags” of fruit, vegetables or salad to customers at a fixed price. The supplier chooses the selection of fruit and vegetables according to what is in season and what offers best value for money that particular week. The supplier delivers the produce, in bulk, to the co-op. Customers order and pay in advance so there is no wastage. The co-op makes no profit and all the money taken goes directly to the supplier.

Runs Thurdays 1pm-3pm


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