Residence Hall Composting Pilot

240 Mercer Street
Mercer St. Residence
New York, NY

Residence Hall Composting Pilot



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Led by Andrew Breck, Frances Felske, and Emily Sun, Students, Wagner School of Public Service and College of Arts and Science

A synthesis of three student proposals to begin composting NYU's biodegradable waste stream. Students will partner with NYU Dining and Recycling Departments to roll out a collection and pickup system through NYU's waste hauler, as well as a set of educational events and outreach to the campus community.

Composting collection has proceeded at Mercer St. Residence Hall, with daily pickups of food waste on every floor of the building. Composting using a digester unit and a set of student-maintained vermicompost (worm) bins is anticipated in the spring 2009.


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