Cuyahoga County Planning Commission

323 Lakeside Avenue West
Suite 400
OH 44113

Cuyahoga County Planning Commission

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친환경 정보환경 전문가사회서비스 * 사회복지
친환경 디자인/설계


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As a successor to the Cuyahoga County Regional Planning Commission (RPC), the CPC has over a half century legacy of providing land use, zoning, development, and other planning services for the county's cities, villages, and townships; the Board of County Commissioners; and other governmental and not-for-profit organizations.

The laws of the State of Ohio vest the CPC with the duty and the power to study, plan, and recommend regional goals and objectives. As a basis for realizing these goals and objectives, the county's needs, priorities, and policies are to be studied and recommendations made.

Under the law, the CPC's policy domain is very broad. It encompasses the following:

* economic and social conditions;
* land use;
* transportation systems, including land, water, and air transportation;
* utility and community systems;
* public and private facilities and services;
* environmental control;
* natural resource development and conservation; and
* long-range programming and financing of capital projects and facilities.

The CPC is empowered to promote administrative and regulatory measures to implement the plans of the region. It may engage in collections and analysis of social and economic data and coordinate research with other governmental agencies, educational institutions, and private organizations.

Furthermore, the CPC has a role in relation to units of local government, the state and federal government, planning commissions, councils of government, and neighboring planning areas. The CPC is empowered to contract and to coordinate with these other entities. It is intended that the CPC be engaged in all facets of the county's planning and implementation activities to achieve compatibility among all units of government.

The CPC membership consists of each of the county commissioners and a representative of the county's eight planning regions. Regional representatives are mayors of one of the communities in each region.

The Cuyahoga Valley Initiative:

The Cuyahoga Valley Initiative seeks to influence development patterns, construction practices, and industrial processes for the next generation using a sustainable development approach based on the integration of economic, social and ecological systems.



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