Burlington County Community Agricultural Center Demonstration Rain Gardens

Centerton Road
NJ 08057

Burlington County Community Agricultural Center Demonstration Rain Gardens

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The Burlington County Community Agricultural Center rain garden was installed to beautify the site and to intercept, treat, and infiltrate stormwater runoff from the upslope land areas, which include a gravel and asphalt covered area and the garden plots. Two rain gardens were installed partly as a demonstration for visitors and partly to solve a drainage problem (standing water remained in the downslope walking path for several days after a storm). To address the problem, two rain gardens were placed in series upslope of the walking path.

Type of Runoff Managed:

These rain gardens manage stormwater from the gravel and asphalt covered area and the garden plots on the site.


The Rutgers Cooperative Extension Water Resources Program staff and approximately five Master Gardeners of Burlington County were present for the installation of the rain gardens in May 2008, which was approved by the Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the Burlington County Resource Conservation Land Use Offices and the Division of Land Preservation. Staff from The Burlington County Division of Parks assisted with the labor of installing the rain gardens. Patches of grass sod were saved and reused elsewhere before excavation. A small backhoe was used to remove a portion of the native soil. Then, sand and compost were added to the soil and mixed with a rototiller. The native plants that were installed in the rain gardens were donated by Pinelands Nursery & Supply.

Plant List:

Blue Flag Iris
Cardinal Flower
Inkberry Holly
Joe Pye Weed
Red Chokeberry
Swamp Milkweed
Sweet Pepperbush/Summersweet
Virginia Sweetspire
Winterberry Holly


These rain gardens are maintained by the Master Gardeners of Burlington County.


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A year after installation

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