Hu-an Temple(護安宮)

Shalu Dist., Taichung City

Hu-an Temple(護安宮)



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護安宮主祀廣澤尊王,亦稱「郭聖王」或「聖王公」,配祀玄天上帝、李鐵拐仙祖、包公、五府 千歲,地藏王菩薩、天上聖母和福德正神、祭典日期為農曆8月22日和2月22日。其信徒主要為鹿寮里居民。該宮主神廣澤尊王,係乾隆37年 (1772)自福建省泉州南安分香而來。光緒三年,該村陳萬守等30餘人有感廣澤尊王威靈顯赫,遂決議成立神明會「聖王公會」,以便對其恭奉。次年,集資 購地,名為「聖王公埕」。

In Hu-an temple, the main deity is Revered King of Broad Blessings, also called Sage king Guo or Lord Sage-king, the subsidiary deity, Supreme Emperor of the Dark Heavens, Master Li Tieguai, Bao Gong (Justice Bao), Plague gods, Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, goddess of heaven and earth god. The day of worship is August 22nd and February 22nd of the lunar calendar. The apprentices are primarily the residents of Luliao village. The main deity, Revered King of Broad Blessings, came from Nan-anfensiang, Quanzhou Fujian province in 1772. In the 3rd year of Kuang Hsu (1877) of the village, about 30 people, including Womshou Chen felt the strong power of Revered King of Broad Blessings, and decided to establish the deity association. The next year, the local people raised fund to build “Sage King Field”.


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