Halte TransJogja

Jl. Anggajaya
Terminal Condong Catur

Halte TransJogja

대중 교통


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Halte Trans Jogja
Terminal Condongcatur

Trayek 2A : Terminal Jombor - Malioboro – Basen – Kridosono – UGM – Terminal Condong Catur

Terminal Jombor - S4. Monjali - S4. Tugu - Stasiun Tugu - Malioboro - S4. Kantor Pos Besar - S4. Gondomanan - S4. Jokteng Wetan - S4. Tungkak - S4. Gambiran - S3 . Basen - S4. Rejowinangun - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - Gembira Loka - S4. SGM - S3. Cendana - S4. Mandala Krida - S4. Gayam - Flyover Lempuyangan - Kridosono - S4. Duta Wacana - S4. Galeria - S4. Gramedia - Bunderan UGM - S3. Colombo - Terminal Condongcatur - S4. Kentungan - S4. Monjali - Terminal Jombor.

Trayek 2B : Terminal Jombor – Termina Condongcatur – UGM – Kridosono – Basen – Kantor Pos Besar – Wirobrajan - Pingit

Terminal Jombor – S4. Monjali – S4. Kentungan – Terminal Condong Catur – S3. Colombo – Bundaran UGM – S4. Gramedia – Kridosono – S4. Duta Wacana - Fly-over Lempuyangan - S4. Gayam – S4. Mandala Krida – S3. Cendana – S4. SGM – Gembiraloka– S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – S4. Rejowinangun – S3. Basen – S4.Tungkak – S4. Joktengwetan – S4. Gondomanan – S4. Kantor Pos Besar – S3. RS PKU Muhammadiyah – S4. Ngabean – S4. Wirobrajan – S3. BPK – S4. Badran – Bundaran SAMSAT – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S4. Monjali – Terminal Jombor.


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