Montgomery United Methodist Church

117 Sunset Road
Belle Mead
NJ 08502

Montgomery United Methodist Church

Place of Worship


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The Sunday Services of Worship

Our services are on Sunday at 8:45 and 10:30 AM. Our service begins with everyone, children, parents, and Sunday School teachers, worshiping the Lord together.

At the 10:30 service, after the Junior Sermon, the children exit the sanctuary and go to Sunday School. If you are unfamiliar with our church, we invite you to take your children to their respective classrooms. The ushers will be happy to help you. At their classroom, you can say hello to their teacher and arrange to meet your children after the service.

After the service, please take a moment to greet Pastor Tony. He will be standing just outside the sanctuary main doorway. Please do sign our guest book.

Coffee, juice and cookies are served after both services. Please do join us.

Evensong Service
Our Evensong Service takes place the first Saturday of each month (October through June). It is a peaceful, meditative service featuring Holy Communion, Candlelight, Scripture and Prayer.

Holy Communion
Holy Communion is served at both services the first Sunday of each month. We strongly believe that everyone (whether you are a member of our church or not) is welcome at the Lord's table.

It has become an informal tradition in our church that those wishing to receive Holy Communion together with family or friends may do so by standing together as the Pastor distributes the bread to them. After receiving the bread, we proceed to the alter rail, kneel and receive the sacrament of the cup from the ushers.

Children of all ages are always welcome at the Lord's table. However, we respect the wishes of parents who want to wait until their children are older. A "First Holy Communion" instruction program and ceremony occurs early in May for children in second grade and up.

Child Care
During the Worship Service, our Child Care room is diligently staffed by responsible adult supervision. Our brightly lit and cheerful nursery area is specially equipped for the needs of young children, and has proven very popular with our young attendees. Come say hello to our Child Care Provider, and see this lovely space for your children to enjoy while you enjoy the worship service.

Our church also has a "Family Room" directly at the back of the sanctuary where you can be with your young children in a comfortable, relaxed, sound proof area, and still enjoy the sights and sounds of the worship service.

If you are considering church membership, you are warmly invited to make Montgomery United Methodist Church your church home. Please talk with Pastor Tony or a member of the Outreach Team after the service.

(908) 874-3273


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