Mandera County: Resilience Plan

Mandera County: Resilience Plan

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Climate Change Resilience Building In Mandera County proposal of Kenya Young Greens

Kenya Young Greens seeks to enhance climate change resilience building in Mandera County through the following objectives: (1) To promote community and public participation in mainstreaming climate change in county planning and programmes; (2) To encourage integration of climate change in the county sectoral planning, development of the county integrated development plans and county legislations; (3) To promote climate change mitigation through arid land forestry; (4) To promote ecosystem based climate change resilience through dry lands economic plants silviculture.

The activities that will be carried out to implement the above objectives include:

a) Consensus building forum with the main county development partners and stakeholders

b) Training workshops for community groups on climate change, advocacy and lobbying of county government.

c) Mandera climate change screening and risk assessment through public barazas and workshops

d) Social marketing of a range of ecosystem based technological adaptation to climate change and livelihood enhancements

e) Training workshops on climate change mainstreaming in sectoral planning for county government and non-state actors

f) Participation in CSG and wescoord meetings


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