Allen Street Pedestrian Mall

142 Allen Street
New York

Allen Street Pedestrian Mall

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This summer, Hester Street Collaboraive is creating a temporary art installation out on the Allen Street Pedestrian Malls with partnering artists: Carolina Cisneros, Mateo Pinto, Marcelo Ertorteguy, and Sara Valente. Together with the high school interns they have recruited, they have been painting the installation on three of the malls between Delancey and Houston Streets. This project is another step in the transformation of the malls into a linear park in the Lower East Side which will be completed within the next few years. There will be way finding maps and historical information about the rich and diverse history of the Lower East Side. In August, playful benches will be built inviting people to sit enjoy, and discover the malls again while they are being re-developed.

Velo City’s Bikesplorers rode to Allen Street Mall to help paint labels and art work onto the mall. Bikesplorers learned about the importance of appreciating cultural diversity in public art. The Bikesplorers were fascinated when they learned about the history of the Lower East Side and how much it has changed over the past 50 years. As they rode along the Allen Street Mall, they witnessed the differences in bike paths and the physical appearance of the malls. One of the observations they made was along Madision Avenue and Allen Streets, where the mall seemed quite empty with uneven roads, while the other part of the mall near Hester Street was filled with bright red benches, paved roads, and public art.


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